Unload unwanted items at the Eastside Community Cleanup
What’s this cleanup all about?
Eastside community organizations are partnering with the City of Tacoma to cleanup our community because clean neighborhoods are safer neighborhoods. Through this cleanup, neighbors will be given an opportunity to unload unwanted items into dumpsters from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 30 at the Sacred Heart Church parking lot (enter via G Street), 4520 McKinley Ave.
Who can participate?
Those who live in a single family home or duplex between East 38th Street and East 56th Street and McKinley and Portland avenues (bring a driver’s license or utility bill to show for proof of residence), and have not used their two City of Tacoma Call-2-Hauls by June 30.
Eligible Items
- Mattresses, couches and chairs
- Carpeting
- Appliances: Empty and doors securely closed and duct taped shut.
- Furnaces: Free of all hazardous material (asbestos, oil, etc.)
- Tanks and Barrels: Completely empty, triple rinsed with no hazardous materials, liquid or residue. Tanks must be cut in half so they can be easily inspected.
- Power yard equipment: Completely emptied of oil and gas. All residue must be cleaned off. Riding lawn mowers will not be accepted.
- Large items can be no longer than nine feet or wider than four feet. Large items cannot weigh over 300 pounds.
These items will not be accepted:
- Tires
- Construction, remodeling or demolition debris
- Items from businesses
- Daily household garbage (Items that go in the kitchen can)
- Liquids, paint or oil based products Call (253) 591-5418 for information regarding proper disposal of liquids and hazardous waste
- Vehicle or vehicle parts: Including car, motorcycle, camper or boat parts, truck canopies, trailers, boats or RV vehicles.
- Recyclable items: cardboard, newspapers, glass, pop cans, etc.
- Yard waste
If you require assistance getting items to the site, if you’d like to volunteer for this event, or for more information, contact Edwina at (253) 474-7083.